Guidebook on Strengthening Cabinet Performance and Management System: A policy framework book that covers a wide range of issues and knowledge products intended to guide heads and high ranking officials within Ministries, Agencies and Corporations (MACs) in their preparation for cabinet discussions and decision making, and for guiding the works of their respective technical teams. Highlighting: (i) managing the development process; (ii) cabinet responsibilities; (iii) strengthening global partnership for a sustainable development process; (iv) strategic planning and programming; and (v) project formulation and appraisal for national development (2019).
A Regional Production and Distribution Strategy for Sustained Growth in West Africa: An article which drawson the theoretical analysis of regional integration and growth and proposes a sustained regional production and distribution strategy for West Africa to ensure that both growth and distribution are simultaneously achieved at national and regional levels (2015).
Liberia Human Development: Mobilizing Capacity for Reconstruction and Development: The Report provides a conceptual framework and a practical platform through which the government of Liberia and its development partners can articulate a capacity-development strategy for the country (2006
Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution: A Report that assesses the UNDP Capacity Building Programe for the African Union with focus on (i) the project design and strategy; (ii) progress made; and (iii) implementation constraints, with recommendations on a way forward for completing the project and ensuring its sustainability (2000).
Globalization and Africa Future: A policy-oriented book that assesses trends, outcomes, challenges, risks, and opportunities of globalization and their impact on, and implications for, programming and managing Africa’s future development policies and agenda, to guide national and sub-regional policy-making processes in response to the globalization process (1999).
Handbook for African Manpower and Employment Planners. A Handbook that focuses on human resources and the dynamics of socio-economic transformation and development in Africa with focus on macro-economic foundation to manpower planning; quantitative aspects of manpower planning; and policy and institutional issues in human resources management (1989).